Dads Music

Created by Crystal 2 months ago
Dad has always had a passion for his music and been very proud of music taste, it has been installed into me and Jade. It ranges from acid techno - enigma, so extremely varied. I have many happy memories of sitting and listening to vinyls with dad. I would be up in my room but if he was to put on his music I would run down to listen to it with him. Some of my favourites being: War of the worlds, Pink Floyd, Enigma and Eminem/D12.

One of the funnier memories I have was a night at the pub, we went out to celebrate just moving to the area and my dad’s and sister’s birthday around the same time. Dad spent alot of money on the jukebox that night, him and my sister were very drunk. Skip forward to getting home my sister was laying in the dog bed and my dad on the floor - he was asking me to put on his vinyls, playing them for a max of 5 minutes before wanting a new one on. Him and my sister attempting to sing along to them. We listened to tubular bells, war of the worlds, Queen, Frankie goes to Hollywood - all sorts. Later that night while I am in bed, i hear dad shouting from downstairs (still laying on the floor) about how much he despised his pink b&m lampshade.

Another memory I have is New Year’s Eve, me and dad having a drink listening to his vinyls, this time: Bob Marly, some of his techno, Frankie goes to Hollywood but most memorably being war of the worlds, we listened to it in the dark with a candle lit. It was a kinda surreal experience being the vinyl is a story. Dad almost stayed up till 12, he made it to 11:30 bless him.

Love you Dad x


  • Dad
    From Crystal 2 months ago