Christmas Wii

Created by Jade 2 months ago

I can't specifically remember what year this Christmas was but I would say I was around 12-14 years old. This Christmas me and Crystal got a Wii for Christmas, came with several games but most notably was SEGA Bass fishing, and super Mario galaxy. 

When I tell you as a family we were obsessed with super mario galaxy, dad would leave us to try and complete the levels by ourselves before stepping in to help, we'd all spend hours every day taking turns playing. Took us all about a fortnight to finish the game.

SEGA bass fishing on the other hand was a trash game, yet still addictive somehow. It was more me and crystal that liked this game moreso than dad but unfortunately for him every time we wanted to play a game he was forced to watch because the Wii was hooked up to his TV.

I still occasionally try to play games that we all used to play together, but when I get stuck now there's noone to help me out. Miss you dad, forever.